Got a new rear end, and the front disks are about to go in. I just need to get a spring compressor, and some ball joints. In the mean time, watch these hilarious videos:
Chronicling the trials of rebuilding/restoring my Mustang.
I dated a girl back in high school by the name of Lisa. Although the dating thing only lasted a little while, we're still friends to this day. I went to her house one time, and while over there, she mentioned something about a mustang. I went outside in the garage and stared in amazement. Rusty as she was, she was beautiful. Lisa told me she hated the car because it smelled musty and was ugly. I disagreed wholeheartedly.
I said "so does your mom drive it?"
"No, it just sits here and she starts it sometimes"
"Well would she sell it?"
"Nope, no way, I've tried many times"
"Well promise me this; if she ever does sell it, let me know!"
And we went on about our business. Well, 4 years later, I receive a call. Lisa says that her mom is moving to Houston, and she's selling it. I call her mom up, we agreed to $4000 (steep, I know, but I knew it meant a lot to her), and I came over the next day.
March 12-16, 2007
Yes, the car was nothing like what I thought it was. The carburetor (original Autolite 1100) was screwed, the engine ran average, and it needed a whole new fuel system, not to mention leaks everywhere. I did a full tune up, replaced the gas tank, fixed the parking brake, replaced the shifter bushings, washed it many times, ran it into my parents garage door :), and replaced the transmission (C4) pan & filter. That stopped about 2 leaks :)